Stations-ID: A009 Instruction: Stand on the platform and hold on to the handrail. Try to get yourself spinning with your feet. What happens if you pull yourself towards the centre?
Stations-ID: D040 ?? English instruction: What patterns are created, when the disc is spinning and you draw on it? Can you draw straight lines? • Before you start, think about what the pattern could look like. • While the disk …
Stations-ID: D043 ?? English instruction: This special kaleidoscope consists of a cube with mirrors on it’s inner walls. Look into it from above – which symmetries can you see? What happens to the different reflections when you rotate the cube …
Stations-ID: D053 Instructions: Two mirrors are hemispherically curved. What part of your surroundings can you see in them? How does your reflection change when you approach the mirrors? Look in the mirror. Which part of the room do you see? …
Stations-ID: D057 Instructions: Plane mirrors and double and triple-sided corner reflectors are mounted on a rotating wheel. Turn the winch. What happens to your reflection? How many reflections can you see? Count the rotations of the mirrors, then count the …
Stations-ID: D063 ?? English instruction: Plane mirrors and double and triple-sided corner reflectors are mounted on a rotating wheel. Turn the winch. What happens to your reflection? How many reflections can you see? Count the rotations of the mirrors, then …
Stations-ID: D064 ?? English instruction: The ring is spun on the dish. How long will it spin? How does the ring move? Which different movements can you observe? What do you hear? What do you think how heavy the ring …
Stations-ID: D069 Instructions: Spin the barrel. Pluck one of the strings and observe it. What do you notice when the barrel spins slower or quicker? Pluck a string. What can you see? What can you hear? What do you see …