Klangmikroskop / Sonic Microscope
Stations-ID: D079
?? English instruction:
Take a glove or a blue cloth.
Take hold of an aluminium bar with your thumb and index finger and move our hand slowly outward, varying pressure and speed as you go.
- Where can you generate a tone easily?
- What are the differences between the tones produced by the different bars?
- Listen along the length of the top bar, where is the sound at it’s loudest?
- Touch a bar gently with the tip of your finger, while it is ringing. What do you feel?
What do you feel when you touch the the round top of a ringing bar?
This station was built by Dresden-based musician Jan Heinke. With the steel cellos and steel harps he has constructed, he has created a unique sound which can hardly be compared to the sound of classical instruments.
Mehr dazu in unserem Stationenpark-Handbuch
Find out more in our Handbook
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