Stations-ID: A014 Instruction: Press your hands on the different boards. Compare the different surfaces. What do you notice? Which boards are warmer, which are cooler? Is it a sunny day?
Stations-ID: D098 Light-machine: Turn the red crank wheel. Now press the three red buttons in turn. What happens? What difference is there between the 3 lamps? Do you also notice a difference when cranking?
Stations-ID: D097 Instruction: Pumping heat :Turn the red crank wheel for a while. Now grasp the two copper coils with one hand each. Do you notice a difference? Where do you think it comes from?
Stations-ID: D002 Instructions: A normal pendulum swings back and forth steadily and predictably. But what happens when you attatch a second pendulum to it? What do you think, will both double pendulums move in the same way? Hold the longer …
Stations-ID: D007 Instructions: Start and endpoint are the same for both spheres. One of the spheres rolls along an inclined plane, the other takes a longer way. Which will reach it’s goal first? Which sphere arrives at the destination with …
Stations-ID: D086 Instructions: Start and endpoint are the same for both spheres. One of the spheres rolls along an inclined plane, the other takes a longer way. Which will reach its goal first? Which sphere arrives at its destination first, …
Stations-ID: D087 Instructions: Whose sphere is the slowest? Find a partner and build the longest possible marble run. You determine the rules yourself, e.g. whether all the slats are to be used, or only a certain number.The inclination of the …
Stations-ID: D089 English instructions: Wooden channels adhere to a metal wall with magnets.• Who will build the most clever, the fastest or the slowest marble track? Mehr dazu in unserem Stationenpark-HandbuchFind out more in our Handbook