Innenstationen/Indoor (3)
Stations-ID: D083
An experiment for two. One blindfolds himself and pushes, the other sits on the cart and gives instructions. The aim is to follow the line without driving over it with the front wheels.
- Switch positions
- Who has it easier? The pusher or the helmsman?
Stations-ID: D092
English instructions:
A game of orientation in the dark:
Take your time and walk the dark path a few times.
- What do you think how big the room is?
- Go through the box a few times, you can also start at the back.
- How long do you think you need to get through the box?
- After every time you pass through it, try to reconstruct the layout of the black box using the little blocks.
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Stations-ID: D090
English instructions:
A dark path awaits you with many a surprising obstacle.
Take a tour with your sense of touch!
- What do you expect in the corridor?
- What do you see, hear and feel?
- What do you see in your mind’s eye while going through the Tastatour?
„Through touch we find not only other bodies but also our own, and it is this double sensation that defines the character of
Menyhért Palágyi
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