
Innenstationen/Indoor (4)
Stations-ID: D069
Spin the barrel.
Pluck one of the strings and observe it.
- What do you notice when the barrel spins slower or quicker?
- Pluck a string. What can you see? What can you hear?
- What do you see when the barrel is spinning?
- What happens when the barrel is spinning slower?
- What’s the difference between the strings?
The strobe effect has many technical appliances. On good record players, the strobe effect is used to discern and adjust the rotation speed of the turntable. It is also used to discern the revolution rate of rotating machines or discover faults in rotating parts.
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Stations-ID: D079
Take a glove or a blue cloth.
Take hold of an aluminium bar with your thumb and index finger and move your hand slowly outward, varying pressure and speed as you go.
- Where can you generate a tone easily?
- What are the differences between the tones produced by the different bars?
- Listen along the length of the top bar, where is the sound at it’s loudest?
- Touch a bar gently with the tip of your finger, while it is ringing. What do you feel?
- What do you feel when you touch the the round top of a ringing bar?
This station was built by Dresden-based musician Jan Heinke. With the steel cellos and steel harps he has constructed, he has created a unique sound which can hardly be compared to the sound of classical instruments.
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Stations-ID: D088
Put your head in one of the hollows of the humming stones and hum different tones to yourself: loud, quiet, high or low notes.
A partner can put his hand on your shoulder lightly during this experiment.
- What do you hear when humming in the hollow? What do you feel?
- Try different notes. Do they all sound the same?
- What does your partner feel when (s)he places his/her hand on your shoulder?
This experiment was designed by the educationalist, artist and carpenter Hugo Kükelhaus (1900-1984) for his ‘Experience Field for Developing the Senses’. He was inspired by stone age cult sites found on the island of Malta, he describes the effect of the experiment as follows: „The inner massage that is created in the head and reabsorbed by it signifies an unusually intense connection of the entire body from within.“
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Stations-ID: D062
?? English instruction:
The Vortex Cannon makes beautiful smoke-rings that drift through the entire hall.
• What do you feel, when you stand right in front of the ‘Cannon’?
• Observe the smoke-rings drifting through the air. Is their shape and speed always the same?
• What happens, when a quarter of the opening of the Vortex Cannon is closed, what happens, when it is half closed?
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