Stations-ID: D037
Stations-ID: D074 Instructions: Hold both ends of the tube to your ears. What do you hear if you speak or sing? Ask a partner to scratch or knock on the tube. What do you hear when you hold both ends …
Stations-ID: D076 ?? English instruction: Take the Mirror ears, hold them to your ears and walk through the room. Hold your ears to the sphere shaped listening lamp. What can you hear? • Stand in the room. What do you …
Stations-ID: D079 Instructions: Take a glove or a blue cloth. Take hold of an aluminium bar with your thumb and index finger and move your hand slowly outward, varying pressure and speed as you go. Where can you generate a …
Stations-ID: D088 Instructions: Put your head in one of the hollows of the humming stones and hum different tones to yourself: loud, quiet, high or low notes. A partner can put his hand on your shoulder lightly during this experiment. …
Stations-ID: A011 Instructions: Take place opposite of each other and speak towards the wall. • Can you understand your partner better when he is facing towards you while speaking or when he whispers sideways, towards the wall? • While speaking …
Stations-ID: A005 Instruction: With a partner, each take position in front of one of the dishes and speak into them. How must your heads be positioned in order for you to be able to understand each other well?• Have you …
Stations-ID: A003 Instruction: Place your ear on one end of the spiral and speak into the other end slowly andclearly.• Use short words, say them loudly.• How much time do you recon passes between speaking and hearing?• How long do …