Geheimbotschaft / Secret Message
Stations-ID: D080
Two players sit across from each other, neither seeing the other players ‘building site’. Each player has a set of building blocks. Build a shape out of the blocks that your partner can’t see. Give your partner instructions for your shape, without speaking. Can your partner succeed in recreating your shape?
- First, start with three or four different shapes
- How often must you play to understand each other well?
- Which ‘words’ do your ‘language’ have?
In accord with the sentiment ‘if you can’t talk about it, you don’t belong’, language is an effective tool for social exclusion. Even scientists from every discipline are occasionally accused of explaining actually simple concepts and facts with unnecessarily complicated (mostly Greek or Latin) terms. Thus, it is hardly surprising, that the doctrine of the hidden transmission of information also has a technical term: steganography.
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